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School Age Room
Spirit Movers
For Kindergarten Eligibility Age - Younger Than 13 Years of Age
The School Age staff provides learning through play with a fun summer program as well as before, after and on non-school days.

Typical School Aged Day
we provide consistency for your child, following a daily schedule including planned activities, indoor and outdoor large muscle play, meal times, relax time, faith and Jesus time.

Student Ratio
Our school aged room follows a ratio of one teacher for every 15 school-agers.

Well Trained Staff
Our school age room staff are well trained in child development and have a love for taking care of children.

During the summer program, we offer learning through play:
STEAM projects for individual and groups
Creative arts - planned and free creativity
Faith filled fun similar to vacation bible school (VBS)
A place to just lounge and hang out
Field trips via walking or use of Trailer Blaser Transit: pools, library, community events, parks/picnics, moves, McLeod County Fair and more!

Food Program
We are participating in a food program that provides daily healthy foods at breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack times.